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#Artist: The Office Boys NY
#Song: “I’m So Indie”
#Producer: Reality Life for Engr Music

The Office Boys NY are the leaders of the “I’m So Indie” movement. With Smiz The Moneykid @smizthemoneykid & Villa Dom @illava both being graduates from accredited music schools they bring an authentic backdrop to the storyline of an independent artist. The song “I’m So Indie” itself is an example of The Office Boys NY genius because within the song they are actually educating and teaching artist how to protect their music, where to protect their music and why they should protect their music…name one other artist in the history’s of music who has done that in one single song??? #ImSoIndie #WelcomeToTheRadioRevolution

Twitter: @OfficeBoysny
Instagram: @Smizthemoneykid
FaceBook: TheOfficeboysNYYYY
Youtube: EngrLLC