R. Kelly Says He Has 35 New Chapters Of “Trapped In The Closet”

Merry Christmas. For those of you who can still listen to Robert Kelly’s music without feeling morally bankrupt, there is some good news. For those of you who have deleted, trashed and otherwise disavowed all knowledge of the man who religiously believes that “age ain’t nothin’ but a number”, be prepared to throw up in the mouth a little bit.

In a recent interview with the AJC, R. Kelly reveals that his “Trapped In The Closet” series ain’t over…

Q: What’s in the plans for 2017?

A: I have my R&B hip-hop album – I haven’t named it yet, and “Trapped in the Closet,” I have 35 more chapters of that done. I’m very excited about that. It will absolutely be out next year. I’ll tour if it’s a major deal, but if not I might just chill and just finish writing my movie scripts.

Guess this is sign that we’ve all been naughty this year, because Kelly Claus definitely isn’t giving us what we asked for…him to go away forever.

One man in particular REALLY wants Kellz outta here. A father who claims The Pied Piper has been messin’ around with his daughter.

Flip it over to see the video he made about it.

Image via Splash

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