Director Marc Levin attempts to highlight hyper-gentrification in New York City in his upcoming documentary Class Divide, which is premiering on HBO on October 3. Focusing specifically on an intersection where a private school sits directly across from public housing, Class Divide will also have a photo gallery experience for those looking to see images sourced for the film.
The exhibition titled, “Views From the Block,” will take place in New York City’s High Line walk way in the West Side of Chelsea, and parallels the film’s themes. The weekend-long photo gallery will display artful photography sourced from West Chelsea’s own young residents and will be open to the public from Friday, September 30 through Sunday, October 2 from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Topics such as income inequality, family, friendship, education and gentrification will be Marc Levin’s focus as he attempts to show the world the effects of rising disparity and stagnant class mobility in one of America’s greatest cities. Prior to the art gallery’s opening, Street Dreams Magazine, a popular NYC-based photography collective, will lead a series of free workshops to teach students the fundamentals of photography. The workshops will run through September and will include participants selected by Hudson Guild, a multi-service community agency focused on the Chelsea area.
Class Divide will air exclusively on HBO on October 3 at 8:00 p.m. EST. It will also be available for viewing on HBO NOW, HBO GO and HBO On Demand. For more information about the documentary, please check out this link!
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