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White Woman Fired After Blocking Black Man From His Condo Building

Get this racist ‘yotch the f*** outta here along with the rest of her assembly of aioli-based azzholes.

For those of you who aren’t aware, this weekend got not only one but TWO new white people to inducted into the bigot Becky hall of fame. #ApartmentPatty rose to aparthied prominence online after a video of her attempting to block a Black man’s entry into his apartment went viral via Facebook.

D’Arreion Nuriyah Toles was simply trying to go home when this wilted, WASPy oppressor named Hilary Brooke Mueller thought she was cast as Captain Marvel to guard America against gainfully-employed African-Americans who may attempt to live in apartments.

As infuriating and disappointing as this viral trend is, there is a silver lining on this particular story according to The Washington Post.

Hilary Brooke Mueller was fired from her job after her employer, Tribeca-STL, a separate property management group, got gander at the viral clip:

“The Tribeca-STL family is a minority-owned company that consists of employees and residents from many racial backgrounds,” officials with the company, an apartment complex in St. Louis, said. “We are proud of this fact and do not and never will stand for racism or racial profiling at our company.”

It got so crazy for this silly heffa that her ESTRANGED husband, who is mixed race and has a Black father, recorded a Facebook video to chide her for her behavior and champion Toles.

Throw this ho in the first dumpster you can find. She’s trash.

Original Article