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This 4/20, Join MERRY JANE’s #FreeWeed Movement and Stand Up for the Right to Legal Cannabis! Sign our petition & speak up for legal cannabis on your social feeds, and you could win big this hazy holiday.
On Thursday, stoners around the planet will be rolling joints, packing bowls, baking edibles, and passing the dutchie on the left hand side to celebrate 4/20, the high holy day of cannabis. While we love getting blazed with our closest friends on this annual celebration of kush culture, this year’s a bit different from 4/20s past. In the U.S. we have a new president, and unfortunately it seems he and his pals aren’t as chill with weed as our last head-of-state. This has kept cannabis activists, entrepreneurs, medical patients, and consumers in legal states on edge since the election; left wondering if the wave of legalization which surged through another eight states in November would be allowed to continue under the new administration.
We’ve gotten nothing but mixed signals from Trump & co. since then, so we at MERRY JANE want to use this 4/20 as an chance to send a loud and clear message back to the President, the Attorney General, and any other elected official who’d dare mess with legal cannabis: #FreeWeed! But what do we mean by this exactly? To be clear…
#FreeWeed means to liberate cannabis, once and for all, from:
– Any federal attempt to take away the rights of cannabis patients and consumers in states that have already legalized it for medical or recreational use.
– The continuation of an expensive and ineffective federal prohibition on a natural plant, that’s only resulted in unnecessary prosecution, incarceration, and persecution of those who aren’t harming themselves or anyone else by using cannabis!
If you’re down to join the movement with us, click below to sign our petition:
But wait — there’s more! We’ll be dropping videos and articles throughout the week exploring both the history of 4/20 and the absurdities of criminalizing cannabis, but we also want to hear from YOU. In order for the message of #FreeWeed to truly ring out across the land, we need your help! We want everyone in our cannabis-loving audience to post their most creative, persuasive, and engaging self-produced videos, selfies, photos, memes, music & artwork (or even just your own personal reasons) to social media explaining why YOU think cannabis should be a legal right under the hashtag (you guessed it) #FreeWeed. We really need EVERYONE to TURN UP online and tell the world why this 4/20 means #FreeWeed!
And there’s more in it for you than solidarity with your ‘dro-blowin’ brethren — we’ve got very special 4/20 presents in store for the folks behind our favorite #FreeWeed posts, including concert tickets, MERRY JANE swag, & signed goodies from our MVPs. All you have to do is: 1) post your pro-cannabis media to either Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or MERRY JANE’s own SESH (or all four); 2) tag it with #FreeWeed & @MERRYJANE; and 3) follow us on social to make sure we see your killer kush content! The cherry on top is that we’ll be running this campaign for cannabis beyond 4/20, so even if you can’t pull something together in the next week, keep posting your media after the holiday and we’ll try to hook you up!
It’s really simple as that — tell Trump, Sessions, and whoever else wants to meddle with legal marijuana why we’re not willing to turn back the clock on social progress via 1) signing our petition & 2) posting your most creative forms of digital expression to your social feed(s) of choice, and let the powers that be hear why this 4/20, we must finally #FreeWeed! Stay tuned to MERRY JANE for all your 4/20 news & culture, and we’ll stay tuned for your posts…ALL FLOWER TO THE PEOPLE!
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