Photo of Jamila Woods taken by Johnny Fan for Okayplayer.

52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours and 525,600 minutes all equals to a year of fantastic music, intriguing personalities and new stories for audiophiles to learn, love and celebrate. In that time, also, I spent that amount of time as Okayplayer’s managing editor. One of the duties that I inherited was making sure that First Look Friday as a franchise flourished and introduced you to the future stars in the game and told you their stories.

From breaking down why SPZRKT evolved into Xavier OmΓ€r to learning what obstacles Jamila Woods and Eryn Allen Kane overcame while surviving the mean streets of Chicago β€” First Look Friday became a breeding ground of names and talents who were inescapable and were next to pop up everywhere. In addition to that, we’ve also premiered never-before-heard songs and images unseen by the naked eye that frame a budding narrative for acts like MasΓ©go, Lee Mo and JONES.

As we close out the year that was, let’s look at our favorite First Look Friday stories and subjects and update you on the growth they’ve experienced since entering our hallowed halls. Enjoy!

The post First Look Friday: Here’s Our Favorite Up-And-Coming Talent From 2016 appeared first on Okayplayer.

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