Donald Trump Says That Non-Voting Blacks Helped Him Win Presidential Election
“Look at my African-American over there.”
This was a phrase that President-elect Cheeto uttered when trying to convince his followers that he wasn’t a bigoted, racist, azzhole.
But Friday, The Orange One, speaking to an almost 100% white audience, said that his appearance as a bigtoed, racist, azzhole was of great benefit to him because it helped disenfranchise the African-American voting bloc.
According to MLive, the Grapefruit-colored PEOTUS was quoted as saying the following:
“The African American community was great to us,” Trump said. “They came through bigly.”
After pausing for thunderous applause from the audience, the president-elect continued.
“If they had any doubt, they didn’t vote,” Trump said. “And that was almost as good. Because a bunch of people didn’t show up, because they felt good about me.”
Between the black voters who were turned-off to this election and opted-out and the ones who were unable to vote due to voter suppression tactics, we definitely didn’t show up like we did in 2008.
That said, it’s not black folks fault that 60 million-plus Americans who actually DID vote AND voted for this tangerine turd!
Guess blaming black people is part of what will make America great again…
Image via AP/AKM-GSI