Perhaps by now you’ve become at least somewhat familiar with the work of Ricardo Cavolo. The Spanish artist behind Kaytranada‘s 99.9% cover is known for his many-eyed illustrations of prominent artists and pop culture figures, all drawn in living, breathing and exquisitely colorful treatments similar to tattoo art.

But Kay’s not the only one getting love from Cavolo. A few weeks back, the artist released a gorgeously vivid new book in 101 Artists To Listen To Before You Die, spotlighting the musicians that get the most burn in his studio with his hallmark pen style. Amongst them you’ll see portraits of Johnny Cash, Kanye West, Amy Winehouse, Daft Punk and Hank Williams, along with quite few others. You can flip through some of the panels by heading over to The FADER. Just be sure to secure your own copy via Amazon today, as the holiday season is quickly approaching and we can’t think of a better gift than this stunning visual compilation.

For more on Ricardo Cavolo, refer to his portfolio here or check out his Instagram account for boundless eye candy.

The post Ricardo Cavolo, Artist Behind Kaytranada’s ‘99.9%’ Cover, Releases ‘101 Artists To Listen To Before You Die’ appeared first on Okayplayer.

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