A new film starring Wyatt Cenac called Jacqueline (Argentine) is coming out. The film follows the story of a French woman who frantically calls and emails Cenac’s character, an unnamed film maker. The woman claims to have leaked confidential government secrets that exposed an assassination plot. She implores for Cenac’s character to come down to Argentina, where she is living in self-exile, to document everything, in case of reprisal. He agrees and flies down with two interns. When the crew arrives the woman acts odd, showing more interest in everything else but the government conspiracy she supposedly uncovered. Camille Rutherford plays the part of Jacqueline, the french woman in exile. The film also stars James Benson, Martin Anderson, Sarah Willis, Enrique Dura, Kristin Dura, and Amr El-Bayoumi. Jacqueline (Argentine) was directed, written, and edited by Bernardo Britto. The film is Britto’s feature length debut. The film premiered earlier this year at the Sundance Film Festival. Make sure to check back for any updates regarding screenings and release dates for Jacqueline (Argentine). Definitely take the time to read our interview with Wyatt Cenac here and if your in the New York City area you can catch him at Littlefield in Brooklyn. Click here for dates and tickets.

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