White House Staff Throws Omarosa Manigault A Bridal Shower
Although rumors swirled that she had to postpone her wedding due to death threats, things are looking up for the head of African-American Outreach for Cheeto Mussolini.
Omarosa took to Twitter to share photos from her super sweet White House bridal shower with white house staffers like potato salad-faced Kellyanne Conway.
Special thanks to my wonderful WH co-workers for my bridal/going away party last night! @SHSanders45 @KellyannePolls #HappilyEverNewman pic.twitter.com/TYJypy1nWI
— OMAROSA (@OMAROSA) April 5, 2017
So diverse!
That’s not all however. According to The Washington Post Omarosa was given another shower at a ritzy private residence.
Proving politics can be put aside for wedding bells, a bipartisan group of power friends threw the 43-year-old White House staffer a cherry blossom-theme bridal shower at a private residence near Rock Creek Park on Saturday.
Over lobster and sushi, the former “Apprentice” star got to flash her massive 5-carat engagement ring among an impressive crowd of movers and shakers that included Beverly Perry, D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser’s right-hand woman; Cleve Mesidor, a former Obama Commerce Department appointee; minister Marcia Dyson, wife of outspoken author slash pundit slash minister Michael Eric Dyson; and Monique Pressley, comedian Bill Cosby’s former lawyer (and also a minister).
As previously reported Uncle Tomasina’s set to wed Pastor John Newman later this month.
I said yes!! pic.twitter.com/cWrUfiFLPY
— OMAROSA (@OMAROSA) July 28, 2016
Good luck, brother!
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